How to Treat Food Poisoning

The intake of contaminated food causes food poisoning. It is commonly observed after eating eggs, dairy product and meat that are infected with bacteria such as E. Coli which is very harmful for our body. Here, we have some information on how to treat food poisoning in children and adults. Before going on to the treatment, let us first understand the symptoms. There are many causes; the most common one is infection because of the bacteria known as salmonella. Other than this, certain types of parasites and virus like norovirus also contribute to this problem. Also, toxins like mercury and lead present in the food leads to poisoning.

Causes and Symptoms

The symptoms resemble the symptoms of gastroenteritis. The signs become visible after the intake of contaminated food. The indicators may come up either after an hour or might even take a day after consuming the contaminated food. The symptoms generally vary according to the contaminant that you ingest. But the common symptoms are nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, fever, dizziness and headaches. Mild conditions/symptoms can be treated at home by using natural remedies.

Treatment at Home

If the health issue is due to the bacteria, then one must follow the course of anti-bacterial medication as prescribed by the doctor. If the poisoning is because of the virus, then one requires complete rest. In case of vomiting and diarrhea, the liquid diet should be increased instead of solid diet to prevent the body from dehydration. Double the intake of boiled water and electrolyte drinks to regain the energy lost due to dehydration. Stay away from the strong odors and excessive cold or heat that might increase the nausea bouts. Once the vomiting has stopped, start with fresh juice, chamomile, herbal tea, etc. after the condition of the patient has become stable start the bland diet.

Natural Treatment

Food poisoning starts abruptly and might become severe if it is not cured on time. One of the side effects of this is dehydration. The potassium of the body is lost in the course of vomiting and diarrhea. For immediate relief we can always rely on the natural homemade remedies. Eat bananas once the condition has become normal. The tannin in the lead and charcoal in the toast deactivates the toxic elements in the digestive system. Allow the body to take rest. Sleep as much as you can. During and after the falling sick, mint essence as a herb is recommended. Apart from all these, roots of Echinacea is also recommended because of its many medicinal qualities. Consuming Echinacea in the form can give immediate relief and remove the toxins from the digestive system.

Treatment for Children

Children recover very fast if proper treatment is given on time. One of the most important components of food poisoning treatment at home is hydration. Give boiled water and other fluid items to the child that will make him easy to recover the lost water from the body. The intake of liquid diet will also wash away the toxins from the body. Give something to the child after vomiting to avoid emptiness of the stomach. Children are very susceptible to chemicals and pesticides, so always wash the fruits and vegetables before consuming. If the situation goes out of control, immediately take him to the doctor.

The conditions can be avoided by following a few simple steps. Maintain the hygiene and cleanliness to keep the food away from contamination. Follow hygienic practice while cooking in the kitchen. Raw or uncooked food, especially meat and other poultry products should be avoided. Do not consume food stored for a long period of time. In extreme conditions immediately seek treatment to avoid any complications.

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