Punk Hairstyles for Guys

The origin of punk fashion can be traced back to the '70s decade. Punk hairstyles were one of the medium of expression of punk fashion. Different styles which have the 'punk' affix attached to them, burnt their way into the fashion world of the '70s. Even today, punk fashion has its impact on the youth, however, it has undergone many changes with time. Punk fashion is associated with a rebellious and confrontational attitude. Music was the main source of inspiration in the development of various punk haircuts styles and ideas. The punk rock hairstyles for guys mentioned in the following article would help as a guide in styling the hair.

Punk Hairstyles for Guys
There are many different punk hairstyles that guys can choose from. Mohawk being the most popular among these hairstyles, many variations are present in this style. Emo punk hairstyles could incorporate various colors that are generally bright.

Mohawk: The Mohawk hairstyle is the commonly used punk hairstyle by guys. In this style, the sides of the head are shaved off and a strip of hair is maintained in the center. It is considered to be a high maintenance style due to the effort which goes into the careful and clean shaving. The different varieties of Mohawk are the Bi-hawk, Tri-hawk, Rathawk, Dreadhawk, Deathhawk, etc. Different styling agents are required for holding up the hair in Mohawk.

'Liberty' Spikes: As the names suggests, the hairstyle resembles that of the 'Statue of Liberty'. The styling of hair is done in such a way that long mid-line spikes are maintained.

Slant Hawk: It is one of the cool punk hairstyles in which the strip of hair runs in a slanting manner i.e. from one side of the neck to the other side of the forehead. The outgrown portion of hair is stylized in this hairstyle.

Classic Punk Hairstyle: It is the most popular among all punk hairstyles. The styling of hair is done with the help of gel and they are also colored (generally in purple, pink or red). In this updo hairstyle, the hair is aligned to the center and spikes are made out of it.

Beaver Punk Hairstyle: The beaver punk hairstyle requires the side hair to be combed and those at the center to be shaped like a fan. The central portion is stylized with the help of short and thick strips.

The 270 Degree Hawk: In this style, the hair reach the forehead from the back. The hair straightening and styling is done in such a manner that the locks expand from the mid-line and reach the forehead at an angle of 270.

The Dread Hawk: In the dread hawk hairstyle, hair is styled into dreadlocks. The hair might be pulled back or braided. Washing the hair with vinegar followed by keeping it without conditioning are the two important steps in styling. Conditioning shouldn't be carried for 10 days after vinegar application. These hair which are dried for 10 days need to be twisted into locks and then combed back.

Different styles including short punk hairstyles for guys are included in the article above. The information about these men's hairstyles would act as a guide in deciding which hairstyle to choose from.

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