Disney Vacations on a Budget

Every child and adult, at least once in his life has wished that he or she could make a trip to the famed Disney World for a 'magical' experience. And every time we watch a Disney movie, this feeling become stronger and stronger, only to be thwarted by a lack of funds for the exorbitantly priced vacation spot. While eventually everyone will agree that every dollar they spend at Walt Disney World is totally worth it, when they finally see what it costs them, they do feel a bit let down. Not to worry. This Buzzle article will give you some simple and practical tips that you can keep in mind while planning it on a budget.

How to Plan a Trip to Disney World on a Budget

If you've been planning to take your kids to Disney World, then you've obviously kept some money on the side to fund this extravagant vacation. But with the constantly rising prices and air fare costs, your trip looks like it'll have to be postponed for a bit, does it? Given below are some easy ways that you can save money on unnecessary expenses and use them at the park. You never know, you might even be left with some extra money from the budge that you've kept aside. Let's have a look at some pointers that you can use to plan your Disney vacation, whether in California or Florida!

The first thing that you need to do is take care of the mode of transport and travel to and from the park. First decide when you will be going to Disney World or Disneyland. Parents often make the mistake of taking their kids during the peak holiday season. What they don't realize is that this is the most expensive time of the year, for any kind of travel. So, if you want to save a reasonable amount of money on air as well as train travel, pick a day when it's neither holiday season nor a weekend. Let the children have a couple of days off from school and visit the park. Plan it in advance. The tickets will cost you much lesser when you book them well in advance. Browse online for sites that give you special discounts on Disney vacations. They will help you save a lot of money. Also, once you reach, you'll need to rent a car. So, book this in advance too, to avail a good discount.

Another mistake that people often make is of thinking that if it's a Disney vacation, you absolutely have to stay at a Disney resort! While you surely can if you want to, it is not a hard and fast rule that you have to. You'll find that Disney resort accommodations are exceptionally expensive and if you're planning a budget vacation and want to spend as much as you can within the park itself, then you surely can compromise on where you'll be staying. So put up at a non Disney resort and use the money you save in the park or simply save it.

Food and Drink
Since you're staying at a hotel, you'll probably take care of one meal there. But there are also various things that you can do within the park, to help you save money on refreshments. There are a lot of discount coupons, meal coupons and even 'kids eat free' coupons that are distributed in various places. All you have to do is keep your eyes open for such discounts and coupons. Another thing that you can do is browse through the numerous sites that offer these discounts. People are often skeptical about availing discounts from online sources. But you won't know till you try, so give it a try and see what they have to offer you. Another thing you can do is pay for all the meals that you'll be having at the park as soon as you go to have your first meal. This way, you'll avail a discount and don't have to worry about keeping money aside for food.

Recreation and Entertainment
The most important part at a Disney park is the entertainment and the recreational games and activities that the park has to offer. These are generally steeply priced, especially in the peak season. The benefit of visiting the Disney during a slack period is that you get lower rates within the park. Another thing you can do is, when your date of travel and accommodation are fixed, book the Disneyland discount tickets to the park in advance as well. You can get great deals online for this. Anything done in advance will help you save a lot of money. So be practical, use all the methods available to you to avail Disneyland discount packages wherever you can.

Even before you visit a Disney park, you need to do some solid research on what to do and what not to, what to carry with you and what not to, how you can save time and money within the park by studying which are the lines that are the fastest moving according to the popularity of the rides and other such small things. These tidbits may seem small and inconsequential but they'll go a long way in making your Disney vacation fun and not too heavy on the pocket either!

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