Flying with a Baby

The long plane journeys and hectic airport security routines can wear off anyone, but when anyone is carrying a stroller, a bulbous diaper bag and an infant along with her, it appears like the end of the world for her! Which is exactly the reason why even experienced parents find it daunting to travel with their newborns. Mostly, you tend to think that the ordeal will soon get over and the baby will fall fast asleep the minute you make your way through that narrow plane aisle. Which is totally wrong because then you find yourself covering the travel-worn screaming of your child. However, all this can be dealt with if you are well prepared to scrap the air travel!

Tips for Flying with a Baby

As a matter of fact, flying with infants is possible anytime after its birth. But for avoiding the baby from getting transmitted with any germs of the plane's air conditioning system, it is better to avoid taking thyem anywhere until they turn 4 to 6 weeks of age. The best way to decide the exact time for flying with a baby, is to consult with your family physician or any general practitioner about the air travel compatibility and overall health of your baby.

Advanced Booking
It is important to have advanced booking and a separate seat for the baby, to avoid that last minute travel rush. While doing so, it is important to ask the travel agent about availability of some special arrangements for the parents who are flying with infants. Most of the time, the big airline companies have such packages. If available, opt for them. Most of the time, it is assumed that nighttime is the best for you to fly with the baby, but you need to consider tendency of your baby too. Because, some babies can sleep well in the noisy conditions, while some of them cannot tolerate any disturbance in their night's sleep.

Seat Confirmation
Rather than the rear seats with noise of the plane engines that are nearby, you should always ask for the front seats of the plane. These seats also come with extra legroom, which provides comfort to both you as well as your baby. If you are aiming a long distance journey, you should also opt for the baby seats, which are available at the half of the price of your tickets. You can also have a car seat for making it easy for you while landing and taking off. Finally, it is important to recheck with the travel agent that all your requirements are on their records.

Packing Essentials
It is important to take only the most essentials things while flying with a baby. Breast-feeding is the best option which can significantly reduce the baby food items from your luggage. But don't forget to take some extra ready to feed baby food in case the flight gets delayed. You can take homemade food for weaning babies, while baby formula is great bottle feeding babies. If you can afford, you can also arrange a travel bottle warmer as you cannot get one on the plane! Do not forget to take boiled water and diluted fruit juice in a cool bag for the babies who are over 6 months of age.

While On Board
It is very important to keep the babies safe from ear pain when flying. For that, feed them before taking off and after landing. You can give babies to suck on a dummy, which will also distract them from the plane noise while taking off. If the baby seems disturbed and uneasy after the take off, then walk her in the aisle for a while. Once on board, the key is to keep your baby well fed and reassured about her safety. Most of the babies easily adjust with the cabin atmosphere.

As a last note, it is a good idea to change the baby's cloths and diapers, just before getting on board. Also, seek for a non-stop flight, so that the baby gets least disturbed.

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