Inserts for Shoes That are Too Big

The other day I purchased a pair of shoes online, which I wanted badly ever since I saw them with one of my friend. This pair was quite costly. So I had saved money for two whole months just to have that pair. When I finally got them, I dyed them from white to off-white. Then after all this, I decided to wear them on a friend's birthday party. You know, how we always have this innate wish of 'showing-off' anything new we have purchased. It is here that my celebrity mood waned off and I felt extremely uncomfortable wearing those shoes. They were very loose from the toe end. I made calls to see if I can return that pair. But since I had already dyed them, it was of no use. I frantically searched for some of the best insoles to be put in, so that it should at least feel comfortable.

It is comfort we should look at, whenever we buy any new thing such as clothes or shoes. But I was too enveloped with the shoe-style and brand before buying. I am sure this sort of situation can arise before anyone of us. So, if you have purchased shoes in haste and found out later that they are bigger for your feet, you always have the option of either returning them, or if not, then this article will put some light on the kind of inserts for shoes that are too big.

Shoe Inserts for Big Shoes

With big shoes, the discomfort can be felt in three ways - at the toe-end, heel-end with shoes coming off occasionally, and the inner part may be big, so that you might feel that you are a 10 year-old in a 20-year old person's shoes. This happens when you do not measure your feet size in the right way, or like me, you take them in haste as you simply want them, leading to arch ache, foot pain, blisters, thus straining your feet a lot. Comfortable shoes are a must for work, running or basketball, wherever you use them. Here are some ways with which you can get rid of the discomfort, using inserts for big shoes.

  • The simplest way can be to wear a thick pair of socks or two socks with the thinner one inside and the thicker one outside. This will also provide the cushion for your feet. Once you wear the shoes, you can put in balled-up socks, wherever you feel the gap is creating problems. Also, any soft material like fabric, foam or tissue paper will help to push your feet back from the toe end.
  • Another simple at-home solution can be to wet your shoes, if your shoes are made up of leather, so that the leather expands to make the inner area smaller and help your feet to fit in perfectly. Avoid putting any solid insert, as obviously it will keep bothering you after the initial fitting.
  • You can find heel inserts for shoes, in the market to avoid your heels from slipping out of the shoes. Adhesive heel strips are also good to push your feet forward using the cushion in the heel end. These heel inserts are available with most of the shoe vendors and the salesman at the store can help you a great deal in identifying the best heel insert. Heavenly Heelz, Foot Petals Amazing Arches are some of the best inserts available.
  • Gel-type inserts are available, but according to many people, they are not comfortable enough. So, you can use the cloth material or 'suede' heel liners. Suede is a special material known for its extra softness and due to its textured nature and open pores, it provides an added advantage of preventing your feet from getting too sweaty.
  • There are many vendors selling insoles for shoes that are too big. If your arch support itself goes under the whole foot, you will need insoles. Dr. Scholl's insoles have got numerous good reviews and they are available in varying sizes for both men and women. Their 'For Her' insoles are designed to protect the sensitive ball area of the foot of women. Select the best available product with a firmer gel to absorb shock and provide added support.
  • Different shoe-lace arrangement can immensely help for holding up your feet. Instead of crossing over horizontally from your second eyelets, thread the eyelets vertically, then crossing over again for the last eyelet. Try this; if it helps, this can be a pretty easy technique to avoid your heels from slipping off.
These are some of the easily usable inserts for shoes that are too big. But why to come to a point where you have to use an insert? You can carefully select the shoes while buying itself. All you need to do is measure your feet size properly. If there are size conversion issues, this shoe size conversion chart will help. Remember that inserts are the solutions to the big shoe problem, so better way, nip the problem in the bud by getting the appropriate size in the first place!

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