Ab Coaster Customer Reviews

Does Ab coaster work? Will this exercise machine burn all that extra fat? In case you are planning to buy a fitness equipment like Ab Coaster, it would be advisable to go through the Ab Coaster customer reviews. I am sure that you might have seen the advertisements on television. If you look at their infomercial, you will find guys and gals flaunting their six pack abs, all hinting at the ability of Ab Coaster to give you a perfect body. Are they telling you the truth? There are so many ab workout machines in the market, that you might have to check out which one works best for you. You might have heard about other fitness equipment such as Ab Circle Pro, Ab Cruncher, Ab Roller and Ab Rocket, all of them are competing with each other. To find out if Ab Coaster has more to offer than the other machines, you can go through the Ab Coaster reviews. Since Ab Coaster and Ab Circle Pro are ones that seem to be the most popular, you can compare them by going through Ab Coaster Vs Ab Circle Pro. If you are interested more in Ab Coaster, here's some information on Ab Coaster customer reviews that might help you understand how well this exercise machine works.

Ab Coaster: Features
Does an Ab Coaster give you the best ab workout? The movement of the Ab Coaster system is an arc. It mimics the movement used for hanging leg raises to work your abdominal muscles. When you use an Ab Coaster, your knees are pressed against your chest in a natural crunching motion. For those people who have been struggling to perform hanging leg raises, there is a ray of hope. Most people found hanging leg raises difficult because you need a lot of upper body strength to support your body weight, but by using Ab Coaster, you can rest your weight on the movable platform. Thus, you can work your abdomen with lesser effort. So, you don't have to worry about the stress on your neck, back and shoulders. You can also do diagonal leg raises and work the obliques with the Ab Coaster. It facilitates effective ab workouts while sitting on the 3-position adjustable seat. The other features include a weight capacity of 350 lb., digital workout counter, easy-move casters, nylon rollers and vinyl covered molded foam pads. If you buy an Ab Coaster, you will get a 14-day express program, a workout DVD, fast track meal plan and an exercise plan as well. There is a 30-day trial offer for the Ab Coaster, which will cost you $14.95. It also comes with a one year warranty.

Ab Coaster: Pros and Cons
Now that you are aware of the features of Ab Coaster, it's time to find out if it would be a good idea to buy this fitness equipment. It is evident from the Ab Coaster Customer Reviews, that this ab workout machine does work well in comparison to some of the other equipment available in the market, but to achieve the best results, you will also have to pay attention to your diet. To have a toned body, you will need to have a good workout plan. You cannot just work on your abdominal muscles to get the perfect body. You can surely rely on Ab Coaster for ab workout, but be ready to work hard to lose all that fat. The biggest drawback of Ab Coaster is its price. It is priced at around $400. Surely it does burn a big hole in your pocket. If you are ready to shell out that much money for a single piece of equipment, you could buy the Ab Coaster, but you must understand that for showing off your six pack abs, you need to first lose belly fat. Though your abdominal muscles might strengthen using this equipment, you will need a complete workout plan and a sensible diet to achieve your goal. So, if you think that just by using the Ab Coaster alone you can get those fabulous abs, you need to think again.

So, this was some information on Ab Coaster customer reviews. Surely as an ab machine, Ab Coaster has a unique design and many distinct features, but it is surely an expensive piece of fitness equipment. If you are willing to shell out that much money, go through the Ab Coaster customer reviews before you buy an Ab Coaster. Hope you found this information useful.

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