Drying Gourds

Gourds have a very long association with humans and it is believed that these plants were among the oldest ones, that have been domesticated by mankind. Apart from its culinary uses, some types of gourds were dried and used for decorative purposes. Dried gourds were used for making utensils, bird houses, bird feeders, music instruments, table decorations, etc. You might have seen gourd birdhouses, used for keeping purple martins. In short, gourd art has been in vogue, for a very long time and even today, they are very much in demand. In order to make gourds fit for arts and crafts, you have to either obtain dried gourds or purchase fresh ones for drying. As dried ones can be expensive, you may try drying fresh ones.

How to Dry Gourds

Before venturing on the project of drying gourds, you have to understand that it can be a lengthy process, that may take around three months to one year, as per the size of the gourd. Ripe gourds that are harvested contain a good level of water content, that evaporates through the pores on its skin, while drying. The drying process may be affected by the size of the gourd and weather changes. So, if you are in a hurry, then, it will be better to buy dried gourds from a craft store.

  • If you want to dry gourds on your own, then, get a ripe gourd of the shape and size of your choice. It is better to retain its stem, so that it can be hanged for drying.
  • The next step is to clean the gourd with water and mild bleach solution. This is to get rid of the bacteria and fungus, that can destroy it.
  • Once the gourd is cleaned, hang it in a dry and well ventilated area. If it cannot be hanged, keep it on a wooden board, but, make sure to turn it occasionally, so as to avoid rotten spots. Some people leave the gourd outdoors for drying.
  • Once dried, the gourd does not change in size or shape. So, you have to check whether it has dried or not by. gently shaking the gourd. If it is dried completely, then, you can hear the rattle sound emitted by the seeds inside. Another method to check the dryness of gourd is tapping. If you tap the exterior of a dried gourd, you can hear a hollow sound.
  • Dried gourds have to be cleaned before using it for any art or crafts. You have to clean its exterior before use, in some cases, the interiors are also cleaned. For example, if you are using the gourd intact, then, exterior cleaning is sufficient. If the interiors are needed, as in the case of gourd birdhouse, the inner seeds are removed and the inner surfaces are cleaned.
  • Cleaning is done with soap water and mild bleach solution. This is to get rid of the mold and other dirt. Stubborn mold can be removed by scrubbing with sandpaper.
  • If you want to clean the inner parts of the gourd, cut it open, as per the requirement and remove the dry pulp and seeds, before cleaning the interior with mild bleach solution. Let the gourd dry, before any use.
  • People, who are allergic to mold, have to take extra caution, while cleaning the dried gourd. Others too, may experience allergic reactions due to mold and dust that emerge while carving or cleaning dried gourds.
Now, you have a clean and dry gourd, which is ready for use. You can paint it, carve it or make any decorative pieces of art, as per your choice.

Some people choose the method of drying gourds in the oven, which is quicker. This method is effective in case of small gourds like sennari's. It is done after scraping off the skin of the gourd. The surface of the gourd should be smooth and clean, before placing it on the oven, which is preheated to 170 F. You have to keep the gourd in the oven for around twelve to twenty-four hours for drying. However, this method is not usually used for drying gourds. If you are in urgent need of a dried gourd, you may try this method or else, get a dried gourd from store. Otherwise go for the method drying it slowly and make a perfectly dried gourd.

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