Simple Stretching Exercises

Stretching is an absolutely essential part of an exercise routine. It stimulates growth. Muscles have a tendency to tighten up and set, if not stretched regularly. When such a tightened set of muscles is jerked or used suddenly, it is bound to either get sprained or damaged. This is exactly what happens when you start heavy exercise without proper stretching.

If you are leading a sedentary lifestyle, then it's absolutely essential that you make it a point to take a break from work and get into a rigorous stretching plus warming up session. You can inculcate some of the exercises I list here, in your routine. Not only will it help stretching out your muscles and improving blood circulation, but also boost up your mood to work better.

Stretching Exercises

It is essential to use and stretch every muscle in your body. What we don't use, ultimately we lose. Remember that! Every one of our faculties and abilities gets better with using and gets weaker through lack of use. Let us look at these exercises which are designed so that your muscles feel stretched and loved!

For Neck
The neck exercises are the simplest. Keep your shoulders straight and facing in front. Lower your neck towards the left and lower it towards the right. Then look down and look up. Repeat this for certain number of times. Then rotate your neck slowly, first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. This is one exercise, which should be done very slowly and avoid overdoing it.

For Biceps
Sit down on a floor mat with feet placed flat on the floor in front and knees in bent position. Place your hands behind your back with fingers pointing away. Then stretch your hands behind as much as you can. You feel your biceps stretching and loosening out in the process.

For Triceps
To stretch out your triceps before a workout, do the following. Lift your arms into air and bend your elbows in such a way that they are behind your back. Touch your right elbow with your left hand and let your right hand stretch down towards the center of your back.

For Shoulder
Just rotate your arms through the shoulder socket. Do it clockwise first and then anticlockwise. Do this repeatedly until you feel that shoulders are stretched enough.

For Shoulder Blade
Firstly cross any one of your arms across the front of your chest and let your hand rest, and hold on the other shoulder. With your other hand, push the elbow of the rested hand, across shoulder blade top.

For Lower Back and Abdomen
Face down and lie flat on your stomach with your hands touching the floor and elbows bent in a diamond shape. Then slowly straighten your hands and lift yourself off the floor. Go back to the same position slowly. Do this four or five times and your lower back will be relieved of stiffness and pain. Stretching exercises for back are absolutely essential as chronic back pain is a problem for people in a sedentary lifestyle.

For Upper Back
Go down on all fours, on a mat, that's on your hands and knees. Stretch your hands in front and let them touch the floor. Bend your head down towards the floor. Stretch your hips towards your feet. You will feel the stretch in your upper back along with relief flooding in.

It is better that you consult your physician before performing any of the above exercises in case you have and physiological problems.

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