Pineapple Allergy

You and your partner sit down to enjoy a nice, big piece of the tropical fruit pineapple. You guys dream about Hawaii, savoring every bite of the pineapple piece. Suddenly, you notice your friend has developed an allergic reaction out of the blue, which is so intense that you need to dial 911. Well, you have just had a first hand experience of pineapple allergy.

This allergy is seen in many people. It leads to rashes, itchy skin and diarrhea. It can be triggered only by touching the pineapple or inhalation. If one is allergic to kiwi fruit or papaya, they are at a risk of developing pineapple allergy.

Pineapple Allergy Symptoms
The symptoms occur immediately after eating the fruit. Many times, it takes up to 5 days for the symptoms to show. If you observe the following allergy symptoms in someone, you should immediately call the doctor.

  • Skin rash: The first symptom of a pineapple allergy is skin rash. You will observe a bright red rash immediately after eating the fruit. The rash maybe itchy and you may also observe hives and swelling that lasts for several days.
  • Diarrhea: The natural way to get rid of the toxins for the body is vomiting and hence diarrhea is also a symptom. These symptoms may however lead to dehydration in some individuals.
  • Constipation: One of the symptoms is constipation. It becomes extremely difficult to expel feces and it may require medications to clear the constipation.
  • Breathing Trouble: The allergy may cause swelling in a person's face and throat. This swelling causes breathing trouble and requires immediate medical attention.
  • Anaphylaxis: A full body allergic reaction maybe seen in case of allergy. This is very dangerous and can cause extreme swelling in the face, throat and ears. It may even lead to shock and death of the patient.
  • Cramps: The lower abdomen cramps are commonly seen in people with pineapple allergy.
The other symptoms include dizziness and low blood pressure. You should be alert when you give pineapple to your child for the first time. It is common to see allergy in children and you need to get your child tested for pineapple allergy, if your child is allergic to other fruits and vegetables.

Pineapple Allergy Treatment
The symptoms are treated with antihistamines and tropical corticosteroids. Epinephrine is given in case one experiences breathlessness and dizziness. You can apply calamine lotion on your skin rash to reduce the itchiness and provide allergy relief.

If you are aware that pineapples lead to allergic reactions in your body, then you should avoid eating pineapples in all forms. You should carefully read all the ingredients in processed and ready-made foods. You should ask for the ingredients when eating out to prevent any pineapple allergy outbreak. Pineapple allergies can lead to a lot of discomfort and itchiness. Therefore, consult a doctor regarding your allergy and avoid pineapples totally.

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