Exercises to Grow Taller

A good height enhances the personality and confidence of any person to a large extent. For this reason, there are many people who dream of having a good height. Sometimes, even those people who are quite tall also like to increase their height even more. There are some surgical procedures that can increase the height, but they can be risky as well as painful. Exercises are the natural ways to grow taller faster. These exercises, when performed correctly and on a regular basis will be effective in giving the best results. That is why more and more people are opting for exercises that can help them grow taller, faster.

Which Exercises Help you Grow Taller?

Stretching exercises are the best to grow taller. There are some simple stretches of the body that bring about improvement in the strength of the core muscles and body posture. They also facilitate increase in the quantity of growth hormones released into the blood which is responsible for making us taller. The movement of the body at the time of exercise make the body flexible, and as a result the bones and cartilage are more receptive towards growth. Other than these stretching exercises, there are some yoga exercises that help you grow taller.

Just exercise is not enough to increase the height. These exercises should be accompanied by an appropriate diet which will be helpful to grow taller faster. Intake of vitamins and minerals should be increased for faster growth. Additionally, adequate amount of sleep is also very important to make you grow taller. Lack of sleep often leads to lack of spinal recovery that can cause harm to your posture. Most importantly, you should believe in yourself that you can grow taller with the help of these exercises. Your body always needs the support of your mind, that believes that the exercises that you are doing will yield the desired results.

Types of Stretching Exercises

There are various forms of stretching exercises that can improve the height of a person. Here are some of the easy-to-do stretching exercises to grow taller. You should include them in your exercise program and you will find its huge impact in increasing your height.

Body Stretching Exercises: This is the most simple stretching exercise that can be done. To perform this exercise, you need a pull up bar as an exercise equipment. You have to hang on the bar for about 5 - 10 minutes everyday. While hanging, you have to change the grip continuously from underhand to overhand. Also, the spacing between the grip should also be altered after every few minutes. These changes are made so that different sections of the muscles are stretched out well. It will bring about a lot of improvement in your physical structure. If you have a bad posture, then it can be rectified with the help of this exercise. It helps to regain the body its natural shape. This exercise will help you to gain around one to one and half inches quite easily.

Legs and Spines Stretching Exercises: The best stretching exercise that can make your legs and spines flexible is the traditional form of 'touching the toes'. Sit on the floor and spread your legs at the front. Now lean your body forward to touch the toes. While you bend to touch the toes, you should not bend your legs at the knees. In the initial stage, you may find it difficult to touch the toes. As you start doing it regularly and push yourself, you will find that you are being able to do it. Once you are able to touch the toes comfortably, you should wait in the same posture till you feel the stretch in your hamstring muscles and in the spines.

Shoulder Stretching Exercises: Lie flat on your stomach and keep your face on the surface of the floor. Then slowly lift the arms and the shoulder from the ground. Hold the position till you finish counting up to 10. Then gradually get back to your original position. While doing this exercise, make sure that you do not hold your breathing. Repeat this exercise for 5 - 6 times. If you do this exercise twice a day for 3 - 4 weeks, you can see some increase in your height.

Apart from these exercises to grow taller, there are some anaerobic exercises like swimming and cycling that provide good stretches to our body. Sports activities that involves a lot of body stretching are also useful to grow taller.

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