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Best Carpet Stain Remover
It feels pretty awful to see your living room carpet getting spoiled because of stains! Ewww...! And the next thing you do is look for some really effective stain removers for your precious carpet! There are so many of us who lay carpets at home, and frankly, how much ever you take precautions, you are going to come across a dirty stain sometime or the other! I can guess you are probably in a similar situation, and hence, I am bringing you the list of some really useful and affordable carpet stain removers that you could trust easily.
When it comes to cleaning the carpet regularly, the use of vacuum cleaners is the best, however, stain removal requires the use of stain removers only. While purchasing a carpet stain remover, you have to keep certain aspects in mind. Simply put, you need to buy the remover in accordance with the kind of stain on the carpet. Stains of food items or drinks, blood stains, sauce stains, and oily stains can be removed using stain removers specific for them. In case of stains that are wet, you needn't worry because it is easier to remove those from the carpet. On the other hand, drier and older stains take quite sometime to go off, however, the best way to avoid this is by removing the stains at the right time. How to clean carpet stains? Let's see the steps involved in carpet stain removal.
Removing Stains from Carpet
First of all, you need to buy a stain remover available in the market. When your stain remover is handy, follow the steps given below in that order and the tips.
- If the stain requires to be diluted, then dilute as mentioned on the pack, otherwise use it directly.
- Take a cotton cloth, dip in the stain remover and then blot the stained patch using the same. Do not rub or wipe the stain by any chance since it would lead to spreading of the stain to the unaffected parts of the carpet. You will have to repeat this step a number of times to completely remove the stain off the carpet. This could take a lot of your time, but you are sure to get positive results. What about the drier stains?
- For the old ones, first scrape the dried part with the help of a blade with ease and the rest procedure remains the same. Some of the best carpet stain removers for old stains are Spot Shot Carpet Stain Remover, Folex Instant Carpet Stain Remover, and Gonzo Liquid Carpet Stain Remover.
- Now owning a pet might be quite troublesome at times, mostly, if they comfortably urinate on your carpet! In such situations, you need to buy a stain remover for pet stains from the market. You can use Spot Shot as well, since it is a multipurpose stain remover. I guess this answers you query, how to remove pet stains from carpet?
Well, I guess you have a detailed answer for the same. Go in for the best carpet stain removers and half your job would be automatically done. Good luck!
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