Applications for Mobile

During the initial years after the development of mobile phones, they were a luxury. With the passing of time, they became a necessity. Today, cell phones can provide their users with access to the Internet. They support several gaming applications and utility software. The cell phones can play music, showcase movies and store large multimedia files and games. They can also be used as tracking and monitoring devices, thanks to the advancement in technology.

Windows mobile is an operating system that is combined with a suite of basic applications for mobile phones. Smartphones and Pocket PCs run on Windows Mobile. Similarly, the iTunes digital media player application introduced by Apple is compatible with Apple's iPhone. iTunes can also be used to download music, television shows, games and other applications from the Internet. Originally, Motorola mobile phones supported the synching of iTunes library with cell phones. Certain mobile phone applications have capabilities of converting YouTube videos to formats compatible with mobile phones. Moreover, most of these applications do not require technical expertise and can be easily installed on cell phones.

One of the very popular cell phone applications is the Yahoo mobile, which allows the mobile users to be on Yahoo messenger through their cell phone. This application does not require to be installed on a cell phone. A fairly simple change in the Yahoo messenger settings can allow users to interact with their online buddies through their cell phones. Certain mobile phones support the installation and running of chat and video conferencing applications. Synchronica, a software vendor based in the UK, offers mobile push email synchronization solutions. AIM Sync is a free service that allows the synchronization of mobile devices with Microsoft Outlook.

While some mobile phone applications enrich user experience, others encourage user creativity. Yes, certain mobile applications allow their users to create their own ring tones. They allow the users to compose melodies, edit them and apply them as alert tones. Some applications also feature a fragment tool, whereby a user can crop and edit movie songs according to the user's preferences and use them as ring tones. Many of these cell phone applications facilitate the customization of mobile phones through the creation of mobile phone themes, wallpapers and animations.

Another group of mobile phone applications is of those offering Internet connectivity. These applications provide the users with emailing and Internet browsing facilities. Some of them also support the posting of blogs and uploading of media over the Internet. They allow the users to publish their work on the Internet by means of their mobile phones. Browser applications that can run on mobile phones provide users with an easy Internet access.

There are GPS-enabled cell phones that serve as tracking and locating devices. Google Maps for Mobile is a very popular application for mobile phones. It is a Java application introduced by Google that can run on any Java-based mobile device. It also includes a location service, which makes use of the GPS location of the mobile receiver to identify the mobile user's geographical location. Spy cell phones host software applications that convert cell phones into tracking and monitoring devices. Installing these applications on a mobile phone helps the user keep track of his/her household and business activities.

One thing is for sure; mobile applications have given a new dimension to the world of mobile phones.

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