Makeup Must-haves for Working Women

Women without make-up are like men without... well let's not get into that! But it can be safely said that make-up is an important thing to most women. Let's say, on an average a working woman spends 10 hours at work, after which she would either go home, or would like to go socialize. These socializing working-women don't have the time to go home, doll up and then go out...they'd much rather go directly from work.

Every woman must have some basic items that can be used to create any look, be it romantic, seductive, classy or glamorous. A woman can either carry these make-up items with her in a small pouch or store them in her desk drawer if she'd rather not carry them around. So before setting out, all you have to do is whip out your make-up, just seven basic items and you are ready to look your best, and have a blast. Remember that before you apply make-up you need to wash your face and moisturize it, so carry a face wash and moisturizer if possible.

Make-up Must Haves

  • Concealer: As much as we would like to believe that we have perfect skin, let's face it, we do not. We all have certain problems on our face, acne, wrinkles, pigmentation or scars, instead of using foundation and looking cakey why not use concealer. Just remember that concealer needs to be patted on the skin on just the area needed, never rub it in the skin because that is not going to make any difference.
  • Compact: Shiny is in, but a shiny oily face certainly isn't. a little compact or loose powder goes a long way to prevent that greasy look. It also helps to set the concealer that you may have applied.
  • Blush: Whether you desire the sun-kissed look, or rosy look, you definitely need a little blush. Carry a small blush kit in a color that suits your skin tone and make sure it comes with a nice rounded brush. Avoid flat brushes; these do not help in application.
  • Eye Shadow: Dress up your eyes, either naturally or with a more dramatic smokey look depending on your mood and the occasion. Carry an eye-shadow kit that comes with basic colors like bronze, white, pink and black. It may-be difficult to come across this combination but you can come close to it.
  • Eye Pencil An eye pencil or kohl pencil is a must. You can create a basic look or a dramatic look for your eyes using just a basic black kohl pencil. Make sure that the tip of the pencil is sharp and pointy to avoid a messy thick look.
  • Mascara: Add drama and oomph to your eyes with mascara, a single or double coat of mascara can light up even the most tired eyes. Mascara is a must even if you skip out on the eye pencil.
  • Lipstick or Gloss: Whether you prefer lipstick in matte or a nice shiny gloss, some form of lip-color is essential. It adds color to your face. If possible, get a lip color palette that comes with 4 colors and a lip brush, this gives you more variety. And if you have misplaced your eye shadow, these lip colors can even be used as eye shadow.
There are no magic tricks to give you the best possible look. What maybe the best for someone else, may not be all that great for you. Every woman has a different skin type, and a different job profile. However, the 7 products mentioned above, will help you more than what you thought!

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