Calories in Acorn Squash

Quick Fact!
The acorn squash is one of the most nutritious foods in the world and therefore, it was included by Jonny Bowden (a renowned nutritionist) in his list of '150 Healthiest Foods on Earth'.
The acorn is a winter squash with yellow-orange flesh and it tastes sweet. The squash is characterized by longitudinal ridges on the surface and it is green in color. The squash can be easily grown at home. Information on calories present in cooked, baked, raw and other forms of acorn squash can be found below.

Acorn Squash Calories
Acorn squash is a nutritious food which contains a high amount of fibers. The number of calories present in a raw acorn squash (per 100g of weight) is 40. A medium-sized squash contains 172 calories, 45g carbohydrates, 3g proteins, 13mg sodium, and no fats or cholesterol.

Acorn squash calories contained in a single cup (baked form) of 200g account for 4%.

The acorn squash is generally boiled or baked before its consumption. Calories remaining in acorn squash after boiling are lesser than after baking it. Baked squash contains 56 calories/100g, while 34 calories are present in a boiled one. Here is information on the different dishes made with acorn squash and calories present in them.

Did You Know?Acorn squash which comes from the Americas was the staple food of native American people. When Europeans first saw this squash, they had mistaken it for a melon.
Acorn Squash and Apple SoupThe 'Acorn Squash and Apple Soup' dish contains 133 calories in a single serving (331g). Other nutrients present in this dish include dietary fibers (5%), fats (4%), carbohydrates (8%), cholesterol (2%), etc.
Wild Rice and Acorn SquashThe total number of calories present in one serving (200g) of this dish is 150. Other nutrients present in the dish include fats (5%), dietary fibers (16%), cholesterol (0%), proteins (11%), carbohydrates (9%), etc.
Squash RingsThe 'Acorn Squash Rings' contain 15 calories in a single serving (of 17g). Carbohydrates (1%), Vitamin C (6%), Sodium (1%) are the other nutrients in this dish.
With Brown SugarThe acorn squash mixed with brown sugar contains 122 calories per serving. Out of the 122 calories, 11 calories are contributed by 1 tsp. of brown sugar. A single tbsp. of butter spread adds 25 calories to this dish; the remaining 86 calories are contributed by acorn squash.
Baked Winter Type SquashA single cup of baked winter squash contains 151 calories. Carbohydrates contribute the maximum i.e. 73% of the calories. The calories which come from fats and proteins are 23% and 4% respectively.
Stuffed Acorn SquashThe number of acorn squash calories in its stuffed form is 229. Out of the 229 calories, 80% come from carbohydrates, 13% from fats and 7% from proteins.
Roasted SquashThis dish is prepared by roasting the squash for 1 hour. Mixture of butter and sugar is applied to the inner portion (by cutting the squash into two halves) of the squash. There are 154 calories in one half of the squash; it is composed of 27g carbohydrates, 6g fats, 1.8g proteins and 3.2g proteins.
Acorn Squash - General InformationSquash is a highly nutritious food and it (winter squash) forms an important part of Native American diet. It belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. Botanical name of the squash is Cucurbita pepo.
  • In olden days, winter squash was grown only for their seeds. The pulp of squash was not consumed owing to its bitter taste. Later on, squashes were grown for their sweet taste.
  • Normally, the acorn squash is green in color however, some of the new varieties possess splashes of yellow and orange color on their surface. Average weight of the newer varieties ranges from 1-3 pounds.
  • Squashes are used as a substitute for pumpkin. The acorn squash is used in pumpkin-pie recipes and also for soups in the form of puree. Since the size of acorn squashes is small, it is preferred over other winter squashes for consumption.
  • The acorn squash can be used for consumption in different ways; baking, stuffing, keeping in microwaves, etc. are some of the ways to prepare a squash for consumption.

Antioxidants in Acorn SquashAntioxidants are known to heal our body from the wear and tear caused by free radicals. The acorn squash is a rich source of antioxidants. Beta-carotene antioxidant that is present in this squash minimizes the damage caused to our body cells by free radicals. Therefore, consumption of squashes helps in maintaining vitality of our body systems.
The details about calories in acorn squash present in different dishes provide us a rough idea about its nutritional value. Since the acorn squash is a nutritious food, incorporating it in our diet should help maintain our body in a healthy state.

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