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Ab Exercises with Ball
Exercise balls have been used for a very long time for physical therapy. In fact, sitting on the exercise balls helps in the neutral alignment of the spine. Ab exercises with ball help in working out not only the abdominal muscles, but also a number of other muscles. Since they involve a number of other muscles, they help in burning more calories during the workout. These exercises are broadly categorized as beginners, intermediate and advanced exercises. According to a number of fitness experts, abdominal exercises with ball are said to be the best of all the types of ab exercises. Read further on ab exercises with exercise ball.
Great Ab Exercises with Ball
It is important to note, that if you are new to exercises with the ball, it is advised that you start off with the beginner workout for the abs with the ball. If you are a beginner, it is recommended, that you start off with one set of 10 to 12 repetitions. After you are well familiarized with the exercises, you can gradually increase the number of sets to 3 with 10 to 15 repetitions each.
This exercise is similar to the crunches that are done on the floor. To do this exercise, lie with your mid and lower back resting on the ball. Support your neck with your hands. Contract your abdominal muscles, as you lift your torso off the ball, but make sure the ball is stable. You can start off with 1 set of 10 to 12 repetitions. This is an excellent ab exercise with ball for the upper abdominal region.
The next of the abdominal exercises with ball is the oblique crunch. Sit in a upright position on the exercise ball, but keep your feet flat on the floor. Now slowly walk your feet forward, so that the ball is positioned on lower to mid back area. Support your neck with your hands and slowly lift your torso off the ball and twist to the right side first. Slowly lower your torso, to repeat the same on the left side. While you do this exercise, you will have to make sure, that your head and back are in a neutral position.
To do this exercise, lie on the floor and lift your feet off the floor, to make a 90 degree angle. Hold the ball between your legs and support your lower back with your hands. Keeping the ball between your feet, lift your buttocks off the floor and slowly return to the starting position. It is recommended, that you do not swing your legs, when you do this exercise.
This exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles. To do this exercise, sit and place the exercise ball between your legs. Place your hands behind you, for support. Now slowly straighten your legs in the air, then bring them closer to your chest. Make sure the ball does not touch the floor.
To do this exercise, place the ball in front of you. Contract your abdominal muscles and pull your belly button towards your spine. Slowly roll the ball forward, till you are not straining or arching your back. Push the elbows into the ball and squeeze the abs, as you pull the body and ball back to the starting position. A word of caution is, this exercise is to be avoided if you have any back problems.
When you are doing these ab exercises, it is advisable to use the wall as a prop by pushing the ball into the wall. This will provide the stability required to do these exercise. If you feel pain, while doing any of the exercises from the exercise ball routine, it is better to avoid those exercises. The best is to talk to your health care professional about the exercises, before your start them.
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